Jakob Øster
I have already made this actor a showreel, now he wanted something bigger. This website has been giving him the opportunity to look more professional and easier to share his work. Check out the finished website here.
The Vision
Daniel Wheatley, owner of The Vision, was going through a name change in his earlier company called Shooter Films. With this, he also wanted a new website to finish his visual identity online. He wanted it to be rough, black and white and simple. You can also check out the finished website here.
TouchRepair, a danish phone repair center, wanted a new website. Some of the requirements was that the website could show the prices for their different repairs, an easy way to contact and more. Check out the finished site at www.touchrepair.dk.

Front page with cookie banner

Messenger pop-up



Terms and conditions

Konella, a danish phonecall center which has Norfors, Nordicsugar, Labflex etc. as clients, needed a new website. They wanted it to be more modern and professional. Check out the website at konella.dk.

Short intro


Contact info

Contact form


Price info
I made a website to Youthmag, which is an online youth magazine. Here the website needed to be easy to navigate and appeal to the younger audience. The website can be seen at www.youthmag.rf.gd.

Cookie banner

Cookie info

Story post

Newsletter side bar
Rudersdal Folkemødedag
Idon Grafisk
I know how to do hosting, DNS, CMS (WordPress), CSS, design and more. Contact me to find out more!